What Jay Abraham And Napoleon Hill Taught Me About ‘Wealth Attraction’

What Jay Abraham And Napoleon Hill Taught Me About ‘Wealth Attraction’

This article is a little bit different from some of the previous ones I’ve discussed success concepts.

When I was initial starting out as an entrepreneur, let’s go back to. I had not been also an entrepreneur. I was attempting to become one.

I would certainly been listening to tapes of Napoleon Hill’s ‘Your Right To Be Rich’ workshop … over and over and over. I paid attention day and night.

As quickly as I opened my eyes in the morning? Napoleon Hill.

Throughout the day? Napoleon Hill.

While I slept? Napoleon Hill!

It didn’t matter to me that I would certainly paid attention to it 5 … 10 … 20 times in a row. And this wasn’t a 1-hour CD either. It was 14 hours of only Napoleon Hill!

Envision what that’s like: intending to succeed so severely that you ‘d agree to pay attention to the exact same talk each day until you made a difference.


I entirely filled my consciousness with Dr. Hill’s message.

After a few weeks, I reached a state where I no more required an inspirational shot in the arm; I now had within me an overwhelming desire to act.

Only there was a problem:

I had a ROADBLOCK in my life.

My roadblock was that I had this riches of details around me; tons of individual advancement publications, cds and tape sets … yet I didn’t know specifically what I must be doing.

I was motivated to take action however I had no idea what action to take.

I really did not know just how to transform concepts right into bucks.

I was stuck.

I remember resting at my desk, looking at all these titles by Anthony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Mark Victor Hansen, Harv Eker, Robert Allen and so lots of others. This wide range of knowledge and wisdom bordered me and I really did not have a hint what to do with it all.

All I could do was ask out loud … WHAT DO I DO? WHAT DO I DO NEXT?

Allow me tell you: when you ask the appropriate questions, you’ll obtain the appropriate answers.

The following thing I did was I pulled out a tape established by Jay Abraham called ‘Your Secret Wealth’ and started listening to it.

On the tapes, Jay spoke about ‘Seeing Opportunities Around You’.

Chance is anywhere and there are SO MANY different means to generate income.
You simply need to have the ability to identify them.

I started trying to “see” chance. I sought it everywhere I went.

What was the worth of things around me?

And was I perceiving a higher or lesser worth in them than other people?

Educating my mind to regard opportunity opened my recognition and I was after that able to see possibilities where I never ever would certainly have seen them previously.

I went on to end up being a PowerSeller on ebay.com for 2 years because of this. And I didn’t also start with any kind of goods!

That said, what I’m mosting likely to show you currently is an easy method you can apply quickly to make additional money for yourself.

However, this strategy is so easy and simple to put into practice that there’s a good chance you will take it as well lightly. That you’ll say, “that’s not a huge bargain. I recognize that currently.”

Because after that you will not reap the rewards either, this would really be a blunder on your part.

Ok, are you prepared for a workout that is ensured to promptly and easily bring you more money in your life?

Right here’s what you do:

Up to 15 times every day, I desire you to ask (out loud): “How Can I Make Money?”

That’s it.

Don’t ask 15 times in a row like you had to when you were captured eating gum tissue in institution.

Ask when at a time, throughout the day, with all your interest and with sincerity:

” How Can I Make Money?”

After that Listen.

Listen, because the answer will involve you.

And so will the money!

Have a Great Day and Let’s Make This Your Year!

Keith Matthew

Let’s go back to when I was very first beginning out as an entrepreneur. I wasn’t also an entrepreneur. It didn’t matter to me that I ‘d paid attention to it 5 … 10 … 20 times in a row. It was 14 hours of just Napoleon Hill!

This technique is so simple and simple to put right into technique that there’s a good possibility you will take it too gently.